Services For Therapists
We provide both individual & group supervision for therapists who are in training working towards full licensure. Our supervisors have worked in community health, hospitals & crisis centers, they understand the realities of the pressures of being a front-line worker in agencies and community institutions. They also can share their knowledge about private practice. Supervision should provide a safe place to explore professional development such as career goals, burnout, problems, or frustrations in your current employment. We provide that safe place.
Here are some issues we MAY discuss in supervision
-Case reviews
-Ethical issues, including boundaries
-Use of self in clinical work
-Diagnostic Skills
-Treatment planning
-How to write effective case notes
-Cultural competence
-Current events and policies related to social work
-Relationships with colleagues and management
-Work-related stressors
-Career goals-Developing confidence
You may be fully licensed or provisionally licensed & seek consultation. Urban Healing Counseling, PLLC offers consultation for therapists. Consultation is always an opportunity for further growth — clinically, business-wise, or both. Consultation differs from supervision, consultation involves a collaborative discussion, clinical feedback will be given by the consultant. A consultant can also be the person who can help you with branding and marketing and all that stuff that you need to run a successful private practice. A supervisor on the other hand is/was ultimately responsible for the overall quality of care you provided to all of your clients.
Therapy for therapists
We also provide therapy for therapists & therapists in training. Provider stress & burnout is common. Maintaining good self-care is important! Engaging in psychotherapy yourself can help. As helping professionals we listen to clients’ stories of depression, anger, fear, pain, trauma, or other issues and may absorb some of this emotional residue. If we do not have avenues to purge the elements absorbed, we may develop secondary trauma or compassion fatigue. Engaging in psychotherapy yourself is beneficial.

The experience of being in therapy is far more informative than any graduate class or textbook. Therapy can be an important component of our professional identity.